Innovation Solutions

After you have articulated and clarified your organization’s direction (vision, mission, strategy, goals and performance measures), and aligned and engaged your team members, it’s time to institute habits and practices to hear the changing marketplace, collectively  learn as you embrace new marketplace challenges, change with intention (rather than for “change sake”) and stay light on your feet at all levels.

Research shows that components required for adaptation are only effective within the context of general direction clarity and team member engagement.  Otherwise, adaptation fails to lead to true innovation and meaningful change over time.  Focusing on adaptation alone does not ultimately result in either a high-performance culture or desired business results.  It might be a short term strategy to take advantage of a market place opportunity, but it will fail to result in sustained performance and cultural strength.

In order to adapt, you must institute habits and practices to listen to the changing marketplace, collectively learn as you embrace new marketplace challenges, change with intention (rather than for “change sake”) and stay light on your feet.

Customized CSG services include:
  •  Brand-Culture Alignment Support Workshops
  • Customer Delight Focus Groups, Research and Strategy Formulation
  • Change Leadership and Alignment – Training and Facilitation
  • Systems and Practices To Support Organizational Learning (Shared Learning Within and Across Departments; Methods For Capturing and Carrying Forward Best Practices; Project Debrief Methodologies)


Credit: Daniel R. Denison, Ph.D. & William S. Neale, M.A.