A Customized Approach


At  Culture Solutions Group, (CSG), we work with organizations to create stronger, more effective teams and individuals at all levels. We strive to help every employee take ownership for creating a healthy, positive work environment and optimal business results. We don't “tell” our clients what to do. We support our clients in making the decisions they need to create the change they want. This pathway allows solutions and insights to surface rather than lying dormant in the organization. It is a process about identifying what role each individual needs to play in the change, and discovering new ways of working together that break-through old habits and ineffective patterns.

Our process never makes an individual or group “wrong.” The process is not about 'good' or 'bad', or about judgment. Every organization and/or team has problems at some point, such as with turnover, decreased performance, lowered customer satisfaction, quality problems, distrust, and/or fear.  Our process is about identifying what the company is trying to accomplish, what elements are currently supporting the organization in that effort, and what elements are getting in the way. We then design new ways of working together to best serve both performance and human expectations.

Our approach is premised on the notion that all organizations are a system, and all teams are subsystems within that organizational system.

Especially in times of rapid change, the systems can break down – or, perhaps, methods that ‘worked' prior to the changes need to be updated to keep pace with the change.

The approach we take is to both diagnose and understand the problem at hand and to create changes in addressing the problem(s) that are from a systemic view, for example: Where is the cause and effect?  What are simply symptoms and what are actual root causes?  Where will we get the highest leverage for improving the situation?  How have all parties worked together to create the problem?  How will all parties work together to solve problems?

Again, during times of stress it can be easy to look for a place to put the blame or to make someone wrong. This ‘blame’ approach is proven both destructive and ineffective in solving the problem at hand. As organizational change agents, we have learned a lot through the years. Effective change and performance improvement requires a focus on the positive, full engagement of all parties, and an emphasis on the opportunity at hand. Clients find that in our work, all participants feel supported and heard while also being challenged to speak their truth, listen to other’s truths, recognize their role in the problem, let their needs be known, take responsibility for improving the situation, commit to creating the experience they want in their work, and be accountable for ultimate business performance and results.

 A Customized Approach

We provide a customized approach as we serve each client. Each project-planning session provides us with the information necessary to suggest strategies for advancing your organization, teams and individuals.

A Balanced Focus on Individual, Team and Organizational Levels

CSG offers an array of products and services to support corporate culture development, team alignment, personal and leadership effectiveness and integrated human resources systems. The customizable package of products and services links the client's organizational culture to the bottom-line including, performance targets, business strategies, department goals and balanced scorecard measures. This package also helps leaders in understanding, designing and creating the culture that will accelerate and sustain the business results they desire. We personalize our approach to create improvement at your organizational, team and individual levels.